Unstoppable, by Netrixie

Unstoppable by Netrixie

[Note: this project was completed in November 2021.]

BEHOLD: A CHONK. At 149,980 words – just 20 words shy of my maximum 150k cutoff – this is still the longest fic I’ve bound to date. I actually had to tweak my typesetting template a little to make sure I could trim the incredibly thick textblock once it was sewn!

I use a (sadly now discontinued) Silhouette Curio for the cutouts on my covers, and this was the book where I decided to play around with its embossing feature, too. Run at a high enough speed with enough pressure, and the embossing tool buffs the bookcloth just like you’d get when buffing with a bonefolder. So while it’s subtle – a little too subtle for the camera to pick up, alas – the dark gray cloth has a cloud pattern etched into it to mimic Wei Wuxian’s Gusu robes.

This boomerang video does a better job of capturing it:

Be sure to read the fic at the link above!